How to Make a Climbing Harness Out of Webbing – Expert Tricks

If you’re looking for a way to make your climbing experience a bit more comfortable and safer, harnesses are a great option. Yes, there are many different types and styles of harnesses, but all of them work the same way: attaching your body to the harness creates a more stable platform on which to climb, ascend a rope or descend.

So, whether you are an aspirant climber or a pro climber, you have a harness of your choice bought from a trusted brand. But why is mastering the tricks on how to make a climbing harness out of webbing crucial?

Read on to master the experts’ essential skills, tips, and tricks about rope harness instructions not to stay stranded while rappelling or climbing.

When & Why Do You Need To Make Harness out of Webbing?

It is the call of urgency, not a preference. If you find your harness frayed or chewed by your furry friend just before your climbing session, you will badly require a harness made out of webbing.

It may be that your buddy has forgotten his climbing harness, or you are a group, and one harness is missing that you have found at the last moment. These and the likes can be the case with you; making a climbing harness out of webbing is more than necessary for climbers.

Staying on for long in the climbing range may cause issues with the harness. If you face the situation indicated, hasty harness or Swiss seat harness is your rescue. If you rappel or climb tight and narrow spaces, rope harness webbing can be of great help.

But do not forget that harness made from webbing is not the alternative to quality climbing harness. They are just to stand by you in an emergency and they will not offer the comfort of the big brand harness.

But to make a harness using webbing efficiently and without wasting time, you have to hone four skills. The next section will focus on that.

Four Essential Skills for Making Harness Out of Webbing

These are the essential skills to master over, and making any harness will be a matter of time if need be. The four skills include:

Making a Loop

Making a climbing harness loop is an easy and effective way to keep your harness snugly fastened to your body while you climb. It’s also a great way to make sure your harness doesn’t ride up on your body while you’re climbing, which can cause discomfort and even injury while climbing using an ascender.

As the loop is an important part of your harness, knowing how to make it will be very helpful.

  1. Cut the length of webbing about twice the circumference of your fist. Make sure the loop is big enough to fit over your hand and wrist comfortably.
  2. Put the loop around your hand, ensuring the open end is facing outwards.
  3. Hold onto the loop with your other hand, and feed it through the opening in the tower above you until it reaches your fist again.
  4. Pull on the loop until it tightens around your fist, then adjust to ensure comfort and security.

Repeat the process for your other hand. You’re done!

Attach a Carabiner to Webbing:

Carabiners are a great way to attach gear to the webbing on your Climbing Rope. They come in different sizes and strengths to find the perfect one for your needs. Here are some tips on how to attach a carabiner to webbing:

– First, make sure that the carabiner is closed completely. This will prevent it from getting caught on the webbing while you’re climbing.

– Next, find the “axis of rotation” for the carabiner. This is the horizontal bar that runs across the middle of the carabiner. The axis of rotation should be facing towards your wrist when you’re holding it.

– Place the webbing over this axis and between the teeth of the carabiner (it should fit snugly).

– Finally, close the carabiner and clip it to your harness.

Attaching the Buckle

The buckle on a webbing harness is an important part of the system. It is responsible for holding the shoulder straps in place and can usually be adjusted to fit different users. There are many ways to attach a buckle to a webbing harness, but one of the most common methods is using a quick-release buckle.

A quick-release buckle is a buckle that has an opening in the center. This opening allows the user to open and close the buckle by pushing it away from them. When the user pushes the buckle away from them, it releases the main strap that connects to the buckle. This allows the user to adjust or tighten their harness as needed.

Finishing the Harness

If you’re a rock climber, your harness is likely the most important piece of gear you own. A good webbing harness can save your skin and keep you safe while climbing, whereas a bad harness can make even the simplest climb dangerous. A good or expert finishing can be the difference between the climbing convenience and danger involved.

Giving the crucial finish to the harness is a process of preparing and finishing the webbing. You can do it either by hand or with a sewing machine. However, we prefer to do it with a webbing press. Pressing is the result of carefully adjusting the webbing to fit your body well and give you utmost climbing safety and support.

How to Make a Climbing Harness Out of Webbing: 3 Efficient Ways

These are necessary skills to make a harness out of webbing as the call of an urgent harness may come any moment for multiple reasons. With the right materials and the skills described above, you will be good to go. There are three kinds of harnesses you can make out of webbing that include:

  • Simple Harness
  • Hasty Harness
  • Swiss Seat Harness

Making a Simple Harness

A simple rope harness consists of a webbing suspension system, a quick-release buckle, and an anchor point. It allows you to rappel quickly and easily by attaching the webbing to the anchor point and releasing the quick-release buckle. The most common way to rappel is to use a “bolt-on” quick-release buckle.

Step-1: Make a climbing harness loop following the instruction already presented.

Step-2: Find a piece of webbing that’s roughly the same size as your torso. You can buy pre-made harnesses or make your own using these measurements as a guide.

Step-3: Cut the webbing into two equal pieces, making sure that each piece is about 18 inches long (45 cm).

Step-4: Start by attaching one end of each piece of webbing to either side of your hips, just below your waistline.

Step-5: Attach the other end of each piece to an anchor point on your body, like a belt loop, shoulder strap or leg loop.

Step-6: Put one foot through the webbing and tie it at the anchor point you just attached it to.

Step-7: Pull the webbing tight and ensure it’s not too tight or loose. If you have a large body shape, you may need to experiment with the sizing of your harness to find one that fits comfortably.

Making a Hasty Harness

A hasty harness is a climbing harness designed for climbers in a hurry. These harnesses are not as comfortable as regular climbing harnesses, but they are more affordable. They are also easier to put on and take off. Designed to help climbers ascend and descend quickly, they are typically made from lightweight materials.

They have been designed with a quick-release system so that the climber can dispense with them quickly in case of an emergency. Here you go with the hasty harness webbing process.

Step-1 Make the loop: Take your cordage and make a loop about 2 feet long. You’ll need this length to adjust the harness later on.

Step-2 Adjust: Now, tie the end of your loop around one of your waistline loops on your shirt or pants. Make sure that the cordage hangs down below your hips (or belly button if you’re female). This will be your adjustment point for later on.

Step-3 Attach the carabiner: Slip the carabiner through the loop you made in step 1. Make sure it is positioned well to hang loosely below your waistline loop.

Step-4 Tie off: Using a simple square knot, tie off the end of your cordage.

Step-5 Attach the chest strap: Now, slip the carabiner through your waistline loop and attach the chest strap to it. Make sure that your carabiner is below your waistline loop and hangs loosely.

Step-6 Adjustment: Once you are comfortable with your adjustment, tighten the chest strap to the point that your shoulders don’t feel compressed. You can always loosen it a bit more if you would like and adjust the length of your waistline loop so that it fits around your hips comfortably.

Swiss Seat Harness

A swiss seat is a specialized piece of equipment used for rappelling. It is essentially a small platform with rails on top, which allows the climber to rest their legs while descending. This prevents them from getting too fatigued and helps to keep them safe while descending.

A Swiss seat is a great option for beginner climbers looking to learn the basics of rappelling. It makes it easier to learn how to rappel because you don’t have to worry about your legs getting tired while descending.

Swiss seat rappelling uses a harness and seat to secure the climber in place as they rappel down. This technology makes it less likely that the climber will fall off the line. Here is how to make a Swiss seat for rappelling or climbing.

Step 1: Take a piece of rope about three times the length of the slope you will be rappelling.

If you are rappelling down a slope, it is important to have enough rope to complete the descent safely. For most slopes, a piece of rope about 3 times the slope’s length (20 feet or more) will be sufficient.

Step 2: Tie a loop at one end of the rope. This will be your belay loop. A belay loop is simply a length of rope tied into a knot in the middle, and it’s used as a backup during climbs.

In mountaineering, a belay loop is one of the essential pieces of equipment. It’s used to provide stability for climbers as they ascend or descend a mountain, and it’s also crucial for preventing accidents.

There are several ways to tie a belay loop, but the most common technique is to tie a loop in one end of the rope and then tie another loop at the other end. This will form your belay loop.

Step 3: Make a second loop in the rope, about 18 inches from the first loop. This will be your harness.

Now make a second loop in the rope, about 18 inches from the first loop. This will be your harness. Make sure the loops are tight but not so tight that they cut off circulation. You can also adjust the tightness of the second loop by gently pulling on it from either side.

Step 4: Put the harness on like you would a belt, with the two loops at your waist.

Step 5: Clipping the belay loop to your harness is one of the most important safety procedures a climber can follow. If you lose your belay, you may fall hundreds of feet to your death.

Step 6: Take the other end of the rope and tie it around a tree. When you are finished, the loop of the rope should be around the tree at least twice as large as your waist. Tie a knot at the rope’s end and make sure it’s tight.

Step 7: Make a loop in the rope and put it around your waist. This is the most important step of all. If you don’t do this properly, you could slide down a mountain face to your death. You mustn’t put too much slack in the rope. It should be tight enough to prevent your waist from sliding down the mountain but not so tight that it cuts off your circulation.

Swiss Seat vs Hasty Harness

Swiss seat and hasty harness are two different variations of one climbing equipment that climbers can use for different purposes. Swiss seat is better for long climbs because it provides more stability and comfort. Hasty harness is better for short climbs or when speed is a priority.

But both harnesses are popular types of climbing equipment. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

When it comes to climbing, there are two main types of harnesses: a quick-release seat and a hasty harness. Which one is better for you depends on your climbing style and needs.


How do you make a webbing climbing harness?

Making a webbing climbing harness is not difficult, but there are a few things that you need to know to make the perfect one. The most important thing is to make sure that the harness fits your body snugly and comfortably.

You also need to make sure that the straps are long enough to reach all of your gear and that the buckles are easy to release. Finally, you will want to choose a durable material that won’t stretch out over time.

Can you make your climbing harness?

If you’re the type of person who loves to climb outdoors, there’s a good chance you’ll eventually want to make your climbing harness. But before you can start sewing, there are a few things you need to know. First and foremost, your harness needs to be sized correctly for your body.

You also need to make sure the fabric is strong and resistant to wear and tear. And finally, it’s important to choose the right type of stitching for your project.

How much webbing do I need for a hasty harness?

Hasty harnesses are a type of emergency rescue harness designed to help rescuers get someone out of a dangerous or life-threatening situation as quickly as possible. When choosing a hasty harness, it is important to make sure you have enough webbing to secure the wearer properly. The recommended amount of webbing for a hasty harness is around 6 meters or 20 feet.

How do you rappel without a harness?

Rappelling without a harness can be dangerous, but it’s not impossible. Here are six tips to make the experience safer:

  1. Use a pre-made system rather than trying to build your own. These systems are designed to be safe and provide more stability when rappelling.
  2. Practice before you go out rappelling to get comfortable with the technique. This will help you avoid accidents.
  3. Make sure your rappel device is properly fitted before using it. This includes verifying that the carabiner is large enough for the rope and that it will not slip off the device during descent or ascent.
  4. Be aware of your surroundings while rappelling and keep an eye on the descent line, so you don’t accidentally fall off the cliffside onto rocks or into the water below.
  5. Make sure you know how to rappel backward. This is often recommended for beginners to help them better control their descent.
  6. Never exceed your rope’s rated length when rappelling. If you do, you risk having the rope snap and sending you into a dangerous situation.

How do you make a rappelling harness with a rope?

When rappelling, it’s important to have a safe and comfortable harness for both the climber and the rappel line. A good way to make a rappelling harness is with a rope. There are a few different ways to make a rope harness, but the most common is using an overhand knot. To make an overhand knot, you need to start by tying an overhand knot in the middle of the rope. Then, tie each end of the rope in an overhand knot around the anchor point.

Rappelling harnesses are sometimes made from a rope that doesn’t have knots. If you want to use a rope without knots, you will need a binding knot or a uni knot.

How do you put a chest harness on a webbing?

There are a few different ways to do this, but the easiest is to use the “figure eight” method. Start by tying one end of the webbing around your waist, and then tie the other end around the middle of the chest harness’s D-ring. Now pull tight on both ends of the webbing, and you’re ready to go.

Wrap Up

Making a climbing harness out of webbing is a relatively easy process and involves a few simple steps. By following the simple steps listed above, you can create your climbing harness using webbing. Indeed, it will be a safe and secure harness to help you stay safe while climbing or rappelling.

The harness made out of a webbing harness may not be your preference; rather, they are the call of emergency when your partner forgets his harness or you have invited someone not prepared for the game. By following these instructions in this article, you can customize a safe and easy-to-use harness to fit your needs.

So master the four tricks briefed on at the outset and get out there to start climbing!

Afzall Rahman

Afzall Rahman is a college teacher by profession and is a rock-climbing enthusiast from his early childhood. So, anything on climbing keeps him glued to for hours - be it a movie on or related to climbing, book on or by climbers, article or podcast on climbing destinations, skills, gears, or the likes.

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